Mineralogy of the Urvara–Yalode region on Ceres
A. Longobardo ; A. Galiano ; E. Ammannito ; E. Ammannito ...; et al.
Nov - 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.12.011

journal : Icarus
type: Article Journal

We studied the distribution in the Urvara–Yalode region of Ceres (latitudes 21–66°S, longitudes 180–360°E) of main spectral parameters derived from the VIR imaging spectrometer onboard the NASA/Dawn spacecraft, as an overall study of Ceres mineralogy reported in this special issue. In particular, we analyzed the distribution of reflectance at 1.2 µm, band depth at 2.7 and 3.1 µm, ascribed to magnesium and ammoniated phyllosilicates, respectively.Whereas the average band depths of this region are lower than eastern longitudes, reflecting the E-W dichotomy of abundance of phyllosilicates on Ceres, spectral variations inside this region are observed in the following units: (a) the central peak of the Urvara crater (45.9°S, 249.2°E, 170 km in diameter), showing a deep 3.1 µm band depth, indicating an ammonium enrichment; (b) the cratered terrain westwards of the Yalode basin (42.3°S, 293.6°E, 260 km in diameter), where absorption bands are deeper, probably due to absence of phyllosilicates depletion following the Yalode impact; (c) the hummocky cratered floor of Yalode and Besua (42.4°S, 300.2°E) craters, characterized by lower albedo and band depths, probably due to different roughness; (d) Consus (21°S 200°E) and Tawals (39.1°S, 238°E) craters, whose albedo and band depths decreasing could be associated to different grain size or abundance of dark materials. Twenty-two small scale (i.e., lower than 400 m) bright spots are observed: because their composition is similar to the Ceres average, a strong mixing may have occurred since their

keywords : Asteroid Ceres; Asteroids; Spectroscopy