Satellite communication and propagation experiments through the alphasat Q/V band Aldo Paraboni technology demonstration payload
Tommaso Rossi ; Mauro De Sanctis ; Marina Ruggieri ; ...Giuseppe Codispoti ; ...Enrico Russo ; ...Giorgia Parca
Mar - 2016
DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2016.150220

journal : IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine

Volume : 31 ; Issue : 3
type: Article Journal

Current high-throughput satellite (HTS) systems for broadband distributed user access are designed following two main concepts: The use of Ka band radio frequency (RF) links both for the forward and for the return link; this choice is due to the congestion of lower frequency bands and to the relatively large bandwidth available in the Ka band. Moreover, the RF technology in the Ka band is mature [1], [2]. The use of multispot coverage: this technique is largely applied to increase the system throughput through frequency reuse and system reconfigurability [2], [3].

keywords : Payloads,Satellites,Bandwidth,Satellite broadcasting,Space vehicles,Receiving antennas,Throughput,Broadband communication