Design of Microelectromagnets for Magnetic Particles Manipulation
Erika Pittella ; Marco Nardecchia ; Laura Farina ; - ASI Sponsor
Aug - 2016
DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2586026
ISSN : 0018-9464 ;
journal : IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Volume : PP ; Issue : 99
type: Article Journal

The design of a ring trap for the confinement of magnetic micro particles based on thin film technology is proposed. The study is conducted with a commercial electromagnetic software, using design specifications obtained from a preliminary analytical and technological study. A two-rings trap system is optimized to obtain the required magnetic flux density able to trap the magnetic micro particles while satisfying heating constraints. In particular, the temperature in the area where the particles are collected is kept below 37° C, in order to prevent thermal effects on the particles, allowing their manipulation without bud formation, fragmentation and hemolysis. The resulting configuration represents a viable solution for the fabrication of micro analytical devices featuring on-chip ring traps without the need of external active cooling systems.

keywords : Lab-on-chip; magnetic particles; microelectromagnets; ring trap

Notes : Research funded by Ministero dell Istruzione dell Universita e della Ricerca (ARTEMIDE/20108ZSRTR) | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (PLEIADES)