Studying Heart Rate Variability from Ballistocardiography Acquired by ForcePlatform: Comparison with Conventional ECG
Alba Mart ́ın-Yebra; F. Landreani ; C. Casellato ; E. Pavan; ASI sponsor
Sep - 2015
DOI: 10.1109/CIC.2015.7411064

Event Title : 2015 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC)
Published in:
Publisher: IEEE
type: Conference Proceedings

Ballistocardiography (BCG), measuring the heart beat-induced mass movements of the body generated by forces associated to heart contraction, has been recently reconsidered as a useful non-invasive technique to characterize cardiac performance, potentially offering a simple, efficient and affordable solution for e-health monitoring. Our aim was to extract heart rate variability indices from BCG signal (B-HRV), and to evaluate their correlation with ECG-derived (E-HRV) ones, both in time and frequency domains.

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Notes : ...E.G. Caiani is supported by the Italian SpaceAgency (contract 2013-064-R.0).