Linear Dispersion Relation and Depth Sensitivity to Swell Parameters: Application to Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging and Bathymetry
Boccia V ; Renga A ; Rufino G ; Zoffoli Simona; et al.
Jan - 2015
DOI: 10.1155/2015/374579

journal : The Scientific World Journal

Volume : 2015 ; Issue : (2015)
type: Article Journal

Long gravity waves or swell dominating the sea surface is known to be very useful to estimate seabed morphology in coastal areas. The paper reviews the main phenomena related to swell waves propagation that allow seabed morphology to be sensed. The linear dispersion is analysed and an error budget model is developed to assess the achievable depth accuracy when Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data are used. The relevant issues and potentials of swell-based bathymetry by SAR are identified and discussed. This technique is of particular interest for characteristic regions of the Mediterranean Sea, such as in gulfs and relatively close areas, where traditional SAR-based bathymetric techniques, relying on strong tidal currents, are of limited practical utility.

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Notes : This work was supported by Italian Space Agency under “Synthetic Aperture Radar data fusion for bathymetric retrieval of seabed in coastal areas and archaeological areas (SAR4BAT)” project (ASI Contract no. I/064/11/0).