Results of nDOSE and HiDOSE Experiments for Dosimetric Evaluation During STS-134 Mission
M. Pugliese ; F. Loffredo ; M. Quarto ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jun - 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s12217-014-9363-3
ISSN : 1875-0494 ;
journal : Microgravity Science and Technology

Volume : 25 ; Issue : 6
type: Article Journal

HiDOSE (Heavy ion DOSimetry Experiment) and nDOSE (neutron DOSimetry Experiment) experiments conducted as a part of BIOKIS (Biokon in Space) payload were designed to measure the dose equivalent due to charged particles and to neutron field, on the entire energy range, during STS-134 mission. Given the complexity of the radiation field in space environment, dose measurements should be considered an asset of any space mission, and for this reason HiDOSE and nDOSE experiments represent an important contribution to the radiation environment assessment during this mission, a short duration flight. The results of these experiments, obtained using Thermo Luminescence Dosimeters (TLDs) to evaluate the charged particles dosimetry and neutron bubbles dosimeters and stack bismuth track dosimeters for neutron dosimetry, indicate that the dose equivalent rate due to space radiation exposure during the STS-134 mission is in accordance with the results obtained from long duration flights.

keywords : Dosimetry – Thermo Luminescence Dosimeters – Fission-track detector – Bubble dosimeters