CAR-SLIDE project: integration of EO technologies and diagnostic systems for advanced transport infrastructure monitoring
Maria Teresa Chiaradia ; Raffaele Nutricato ; Davide Oscar Nitti ; ...Giovanni Milillo
Dec - 2014

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type: Conference Proceedings

First WORKSHOP on the State of the art and Challenges Of Research Efforts @POLIBA SCORE@POLIBA)-CAR-SLIDE is a MIUR project (PON RandC 2007-2013) aimed to implement an advanced diagnostic system capable to monitor landslide and flood events along the national rail networks, by integrating in situ data detected from on board sophisticated innovative measuring systems, with Earth Observation techniques (based on weather forecast, SAR and optical data). In order to highlight the potential of COSMO/SkyMed satellite data for geohazard detection and mapping, two test cases are presented in this work. The first one consists in the application of multitemporal SAR/InSAR techniques for monitoring recent flood events in the Basilicata region, causing rail service interruptions. The second example consists in a retrospective analysis on the detection of precursory signals related to the landslide which occurred on January 2014 close to the town of Marina di Andora. The landslide caused the derailment of a train and the interruption of the railway line connecting north-western Italy to France.

keywords : Railway Infrastructure Monitoring·SAR·Geohazard Monitoring·NWP