A mathematical formula to estimate in vivo thyroid volume from two-dimensional ultrasonography
Trimboli, Pierpaolo ; Ruggieri, Massimo ; Fumarola, Angela ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Aug - 2008
ISSN : 1050-7256 ;
journal : Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

Issue : 8
type: Article Journal

The determination of thyroid volume (TV) is required for the management of thyroid diseases. Since two-dimensional ultrasonography (2D-US) has become the accepted method for the assessment of TV (2D-US-TV), we verified whether it accurately assesses postsurgical measured TV (PS-TV).

keywords : Adult,Aged,Female,Humans,Male,Middle Aged,Retrospective Studies,Thyroid Gland,Thyroid Gland: anatomy \& histology,Thyroid Gland: ultrasonography,Thyroidectomy