Totally Fault Tolerant RNS Based FIR Filters
Pontarelli, S. ; Cardarilli, G.C. ; Re, M. ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jul - 2008

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type: Conference Proceedings

In this paper, the design of a finite impulse response (FIR) filter with fault tolerant capabilities based on the residue number system is analyzed. Differently from other approaches that use RNS, the filter implementation is fault tolerant not only with respect to a fault inside the RNS moduli, but also in the reverse converter. An architecture allowing fault masking in the overall RNS FIR filter is presented. It avoids the use of a trivial triple modular redundancy (TMR) to protect the blocks that performs the final stages of the RNS based FIR computation.

keywords : RNS,error correction

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