Rha1, a new mutant of Arabidopsis disturbed in root slanting, gravitropism and auxin physiology
Fortunati, Alessio ; Piconese, Silvia ; Tassone, Paola ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jan - 2008
ISBN : 0690672535

journal : Plant Signaling \& Behavior

Issue : 11
type: Article Journal

A new Arabidopsis mutant is characterized (rha1) that shows, in the roots, reduced right-handed slanting, reduced gravitropism and resistance to 2,4-D, TIBA, NPA and ethylene. It also shows reduced length in the shoot and root, reduced number of lateral roots and shorter siliques. The gene was cloned through TAILPCR and resulted in a HSF. Because none of the known gravitropic and auxinic mutants result from damage in a HSF, rha1 seems to belong to a new class of this group of mutants. Quantitative PCR analysis showed that the expression of the gene is increased by heat and cold shock, and by presence of 2,4-D in the media. Study of the expression through the GUS reporter gene revealed increased expression in clinostated and gravistimulated plants, but only in adult tissues, and not in the apical meristems of shoots and roots.

keywords : HSFs,auxin,ethylene,gravitropism,slanting