Design of new reaction conditions for characterization of a mutantthermophilic a-L-fucosidase
Cobucci-Ponzano, B. ; Conte, F. ; Mazzone, M. ; Rossi, M. ; et al. - ASI sponsor
Jan - 2008
DOI: 10.1080/10242420701792209
ISSN : 1024-2422 ;
journal : Biocatalysis and Biotransformation

Volume : 26 ; Issue : 1-2
type: Article Journal

Glycosynthases are mutant glycosidases, which in the presence of activated glycosides and suitable reaction conditions,synthesize oligosaccharides without hydrolysing them. This feature makes these catalysts promising tools for the large scalesynthesis of carbohydrates. However, despite the popularity of the glycosynthetic approach, the number of enzymeseffecting glycosynthetic reactions is still limited.We report here on the design of novel reaction conditions for a thermophilica-L-fucosidase mutant, which might provide a route for the production of novel glycosynthases.

keywords : fucosylation,glycosidase reaction mechanism,glycosynthase,oligosaccharide synthesis,site-directed mutagenesis