Transmediterranean flights: lessons learned/perspectives
Caballero, Francisco ; Spoto, Domenico ; Ibba, Roberto ; et al.
Jan - 2008

journal : 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, in Montr\eal, Canada
type: Article Journal

The paper presents a thorough description of the transmediterranean balloon campaigns as an opportunity to carry out astronomical,biological and atmospheric experiments.Also the balloons may serve as technology demonstrators, in the field of planetary exploration ,as occurred with the Huygens probe.An additional possibility,initiated already with secondary school/university students,is the use for space education and public outreach in Southern Europe. The set of operational requirements include among others the following: Stratospheric weather prediction mainly for strata between 20 and 50 Km supported by updated atmospheric models and more frequent and sparse soundings along the Mediterranean area giving punctual measurements for wind,temperature,etc. Digital cartography 1/50.000 supporting density population data and risk zones representation is of utmost interest when flying over land. The latitude control aim is to maintain l between 37° and 39° N on account of geographical,radioelectrical and safety considerations.Detailed study of the IR radiative fluxes influence altitude control through ballast/vanes. TM/TC should be oriented toward standards compliance.Experimenters should have a quick look to their payloads,through the Internet.TM/TC systems using a commercial satellite network will be taken into consideration. Power system could be improved by better batteries and equipping gondolas with solar panels and/or fuel cells.Advanced criteria on flight train and stratospheric gondola design will be discussed. The availability of an augmented localization system could improve both flight operations and recovery.The future trend for recovery is to use a GPS augmented unit as guidance sensor for a parasail. Economic considerations to resume the activity are outlined.

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