SHARAD sounding radar on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter *
Seu, Roberto ; Phillips, Roger J ; Biccari, Daniela ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jan - 2007
ISSN : 01480227 ;
journal : Journal of Geophysical Research

Issue : E5
type: Article Journal

SHARAD (SHAllow RADar) is a sounding radar provided by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) as a Facility Instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. Its 20-MHz center frequency and 10-MHz bandwidth complement the lower-frequency, relatively narrower bandwidth capability of the MARSIS sounding radar. A joint Italian- U.S. team has guided the experiment development and is responsible for data analysis and interpretation. The radar transmits signals at a 700 Hz pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and collects reflections from both the surface and near subsurface of Mars. Vertical and horizontal resolutions are, respectively, 15 m (free-space) and 36 km (cross-track) by 0.31 km (along-track). The scientific objective of SHARAD is to map, in selected locales, dielectric interfaces to at least several hundred meters depth in the Martian subsurface and to interpret these results in terms of the occurrence and distribution of expected materials, including competent rock, soil, water, and ice. A signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB (for a specular surface return) is achieved with 10 Wof radiated power by using range and azimuth focusing in ground data processing. Preprocessed data as well as range- and azimuth-focused data will be formatted according to Planetary Data System (PDS) standards and be made available from the ASI Science Data Center (ASDC) and from the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System (PDS). Important targets for SHARAD include the polar layered deposits, sedimentary stacks (especially in Terra Meridiani), buried channel systems, buried impact craters, volcanic complexes, and shallow ice deposits in equilibrium with the atmosphere.

keywords : SHARAD