Blazar duty-cycle at gamma-ray frequencies: constraints from extragalactic background radiation and prospects for AGILE and GLAST
Pittori, Carlotta ; Cavazzuti, Elisabetta ; Colafrancesco, Sergio ; ...Giommi, Paolo
Apr - 2007
DOI: 10.1007/s10509-007-9458-z
ISSN : 0004-640X ;
journal : Astrophysics and Space Science

Volume : 309 ; Issue : 1-4
type: Article Journal

We take into account the constraints from the observed extragalactic γ-ray background to estimate the maximum duty cycle allowed for a selected sample of WMAP Blazars, in order to be detectable by AGILE and GLAST γ-ray experiments. For the nominal sensitivity values of both instruments, we identify a subset of sources which can in principle be detectable also in a steady state without over-predicting the extragalactic background. This work is based on the results of a recently derived Blazar radio LogN-LogS obtained by combining several multi-frequency surveys.

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