First circumpolar trajectory ultralight to heavy long duration balloon development from Svalbard, Norway
Peterzen, Steven E ; Ibba, Roberto ; Olsen, Gunnar Jan ; et al.
Jan - 2007
ISSN : 03796566 ;
Event Title :
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type: Conference Proceedings

During the 2006 Ultra Light LDB campaign in Svalbard, the Italian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, (ASI)) in a joint effort with Andeya Rocket Range (ARR) launched what became the first complete circumpolar trajectory around the northern polar region by a stratospheric balloon launched from Svalbard. The historic balloon experiment was launched from the Nobile / Amundsen Stratospheric Balloon Center - Svalbard (N/A SBC). The flight trajectory starting from Longyearbyen, Svalbard, took the stratospheric balloon on a 17 day excursion in a near perfect circle back over Svalbard and on to Greenland where the flight was successfully terminated for recovery. Not only did this historic flight prove concept of successful LDB programs above 79 degrees N, but also proved the viability of using Ultralite LDB platform to achieve exciting science. These small balloons (9,300 m3) carry Iridium based TM systems, redundant terminate systems, solar charging system and a parachute making the entire system recoverable. The N/A SBC-Svalbard effort offers an excellent opportunity as a student launch program due to the year-round access to Longyearbyen, low comparative cost, and local support. The Ultralite LDB program also make accessible a quick opportunity for testing components in a real time environment for future flights (large LDB systems) as well as a stratospheric platforms for science research. For the 2007 summer season there will be further testing of TM systems as well as continuing with our successful Ultra Light LDB. Programs for 2007 include staging of equipment in Longyearbyen to support the 2008 OLIMPO and BOOMERanG experiments, setting up integration facilities for experimenters, and performing system tests. Since 2003, ASI and ARR have launched 10 LDB systems with balloon payloads reaching up to a maximum of 39 days at the float altitude from the worlds most northern scientific balloon research facility...the Nobile/Amundsen Stratospheric Balloon Center at Svalbard.

keywords : Chemical modification;Rockets;Trajectories;