Enhancement on stratospheric balloons trajectory prediction, optimization and monitoring
Musso, Ivano ; Cardillo, Andrea ; Ibba, Roberto ; et al.
Jan - 2007
ISSN : 03796566 ;
Event Title :
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type: Conference Proceedings

Balloon thermodynamic and wind forecast models work together with a Monte-Carlo method giving a full trajectory dispersion path, where each point provides the total probability the balloon has to fly there. Combining its image with a accurate map of the distributed density population the result is the total casualty expectation. Thinking about ultra long duration balloons flights, future control systems will calculate optimized escape paths to avoid zones where the risk is too high or they will suggest safe recovery opportunities. The proposed method applies genetic algorithms. Finally the system architecture should have a degree of redundancy and be shaped following the control methods applied to satellites.

keywords : Aerospace applications;Algorithms;Computer network