Plant bioregenerative life supports: The Italian CAB Project
Lobascio, Cesare ; Lamantea, Matteo ; Cotronei, Vittorio ; ...Negri, Barbara ; et al.
Jun - 2007
ISSN : 1742-9145 ;
journal : Journal of Plant Interactions

Issue : 2
type: Article Journal

Abstract The Bioregenerative Life Support program CAB (Controllo Ambientale Biorigenerativo) is a key element of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) Medicine i.e., food production, in particular via the cultivation of higher plants, and food management; air regeneration (production of O2, removal of CO2, trace gas control); water regeneration (urine processing, gray water processing, potable water management); solid waste processing; resources allocation and storage; control of environmental conditions (Thermal-hygrometric, light, pressure, radiation, etc). Abstract The Bioregenerative Life Support program CAB (Controllo Ambientale Biorigenerativo) is a key element of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) Medicine i.e., food production, in particular via the cultivation of higher plants, and food management; air regeneration (production of O2, removal of CO2, trace gas control); water regeneration (urine processing, gray water processing, potable water management); solid waste processing; resources allocation and storage; control of environmental conditions (Thermal-hygrometric, light, pressure, radiation, etc).

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