SABRINA the Italian Mission for Endowing COSMO-SkyMed with Bistatic and Interferometric Capabilities - Conference papers - VDE Publishing House
; - ASI Sponsor
Jan - 2006

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type: Conference Proceedings

This paper focuses main characteristics and expected performance of SABRINA (System for Advanced Bistatic and Radar INterferometric Applications) Mission which has been selected by the Italian Space Agency for complementing COSMO-SkyMed, the Italian constellation for high spatial and temporal resolution SAR imaging of the Earth. After a brief presentation of COSMO-SkyMed development status, the key aspects of the mission and expected applications and products are dealt in detail.

keywords : Alessandro,Arnaldo,COSMO SkyMed,Caltagirone,Capuzi,Claudio,Coletta,Ettore: ASI authors,Francesco,Galeazzi,Lopinto