Different drill tool concepts
Magnani, PG ; Re, E ; Senese, S ; ...Olivieri, A
Jan - 2006
DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2005.07.028

journal : Acta Astronautica

Issue : 8–11 October–December 2006
type: Article Journal

In order to improve knowledge on the origins of the universe, the perforation of the soil and the acquisition of the materials from planets and comets play a very important role. In the frame of research and development programs, different drill tool concepts have been studied, engineered and tested. Most of the developments are based on classical rotary drill approach with the implementation of appropriate sample collection mechanism; others utilises a novel concept based on frontal transversal rotary head which overcome the condition of zero speed. The flight version of the drilling tools is aimed at a larger penetration depth than the prototypes and can be designed either as a Single or Multi-Rod system. The Multi-Rod approach is a specially developed assembly technique of an appropriate number of drill rods. The drills can support direct down hole science by installing inside specific dedicated scientific instrumentation. This article provides an overview on the main features of the studied drill tools.

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