An Optimised Management of Cosmo-Skymed Capability Through an Integrated Approach to Logistic Support and System Monitoring and Coordination
Coletta, Alessandro ; De Luca, Francesco ; et al. Caltagirone, Francesco
Jan - 2006

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type: Conference Proceedings

Analyzing the basic Life Cycle Cost tree of a syste m/mission, one of the drivers that incur in management, design, development, production, ope ration, maintenance and disposal phases, is the optimisation of the management of th e overall system capability. One fundamental point is this optimisation is the estab lishment of a System Monitoring and Coordination Function (FMCS), consisting of personn el, procedures and tools for managing the most appropriate information at the right level , time, reliability, and security degree, such to improve the overall system capability and r educe overall costs. This FMCS capability achieves multi-fold objectives. By means of tightly co-ordinated mission data collecting, manipulation and reporting, the system operational and performance behaviour are continuously monitored. They include, among the others: • Integrated Logistics Support Engineering Data • Management Data (planning, cost, etc) • Maintenance Management Data (trouble ticketing, S pare Status, Statistics, etc) • Operative and Maintenance Procedures management ( FOP and GOP) • System/Subsystem/Components Monitoring and Contro l Data Data collecting and manipulation is implemented aut omatically, through distributed software environment spread over the COSMO-SkyMed e lements and subsystems, and manually as well, basically operated through well-d efined operational procedures. During system operative lifetime, the FMCS capability is u sed in support to: • System management • Operative life co-ordination• System efficiency evaluation • System technical balances evaluation • Performance degradations and system/subsystem fai lures temporal trends retrieval • LCC Control • Other functions related to the dual use of COSMO- SkyMed through an integrated environment, optimised to qui ckly respond to the needs of managing and coordinating a complex, state-of-art, and highl y demanding Earth Observation System as COSMO-SkyMed. Finally, methodological and techno logical solutions adopted for COSMO-SkyMed FMCS capabilities will be delineated.

keywords : COSMO-SkyMed