IPSE: The Italian package for scientific experiments on Mars
Angrilli, F. ; Debei, S. ; Rossi, F. ; ...Flamini, Enrico
Jan - 2004

journal : Planetary and Space Science

Issue : 1-3
type: Article Journal

Abstract Italian Package for Scientific Experiments (IPSE) is a scientific autonomous micro-laboratory for Mars soil and environmental in situ analysis. It is designed to provide the capability to serve, handle and manage scientific miniaturised instruments accommodated inside its envelope. It provides mission management, power conditioning, thermal control, data storage and handling. Its miniaturised sample transfer chain has the capability to receive, handle and accurately position Martian soil samples under the instruments. IPSE is an example of a small and flexible laboratory, that can be integrated on different Landers and Rovers. The strict constraints of the mission make optimisation (in terms of mass, volume, power and data storage) necessary to maximise the scientific payload. Hence, adopting state-of-the-art technological solutions becomes crucial. Technological evaluation models of the most challenging subsystems have been built. Possible future developments are outlined.

keywords : Automated analysis,In situ,Mars,Mineralogy,Planetary

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