Effects of space radiations on Xenopus laevis embryos during stratospheric balloon flight
Rizzo, A. M. ; Rossi, F. ; Zava, S. ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jan - 2003

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type: Conference Proceedings

To test the effects of space radiation on living organisms we participated (23 June 2002) to the BI.R.BA. mission (organised and granted by the Italian Space Agency, A.S.I.), a flight with a stratospheric balloon, from Trapani-MILO (ASI Launch site) to Seville in Spain. Xenopus laevis emryos at different stages of development were exposed during flight. Results on mortality show that younger embryos (16 hr) flown on the balloon (B) are more sensitive to radiation exposure compared with older ones (40 hr and 6 days). The exposure during flight lowers the antioxidant potential in all the embryos, particularly in older ones.

keywords : Space Flight: Life Science