A European Standard for Space Debris
ALBY, Fernand ; ALWES, Detlef ; ANSELMO, Luciano ; ...PORTELLI, Claudio ; et al.
Jan - 2003

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type: Conference Proceedings

Considering the need to take preventive measures to limit the production of debris in space, five European Agencies (ASI, BNSC, CNES, DLR and ESA) have set up a working group called EDMSWG (European Debris Mitigation Standard Working Group) with the objective to prepare the European standard on space debris. The requirements in the Standard are defined in terms of what must be accomplished, rather than in terms of how to organise and perform the necessary work. This allows existing organisational structures and methods within agencies and industry to be applied where they are effective, and for such structures and methods to evolve as necessary, without the need for rewriting the standards. The Standard comprises management requirements, design requirements and operational requirements. The main requirements are relative to the limitation of debris production during the operational lifetime and to end of life practices to ensure the protection of useful regions.

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