Processing algorithms for COSMO-SkyMed SAR sensor
Verdone, GR G.R. ; Viggiano, R. ; Lopinto, E. ; ...Candela, L. ; et al.
Jan - 2002
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2002.1026770
ISBN : 0-7803-7536-X

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type: Conference Proceedings

The COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small satellites for the Mediterranean basin Observation) constellation is a project of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) tailored for risk management, coastal zone monitoring and sea pollution in a dual use approach (military and civil applications). The COSMO-SkyMed payload is constituted of a fixed antenna with electronic scanning capabilities in both the azimuth and the elevation planes. It has been designed to implement three different operation modes in order to acquire the images at the required resolution: Spotlight mode, Stripmap mode and ScanSAR mode. This paper describes the algorithms implemented to focus images acquired in the above three different modes together with the first results obtained using simulated and real data. Telespazio, in cooperation with Consorzio Innova and Digimat, is the prime-contractor of the COSMO-SkyMed CREDO project, in which is foreseen the development of a SAR ground processing chain.

keywords : ASI,Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,Aperture antennas,Azimuth,Bandwidth,COSMO-SkyMed SAR sensor,CREDO project,Chirp,Consorzio Innova,Constellation of Small satellites for the Mediterr,Convolution,Data mining,Digimat,Focusing,Frequency,Italian Space Agency,Military satellites,SAR ground processing chain,ScanSAR mode,Spotlight mode,Stripmap mode,Synthetic aperture radar,Telespazio,algorithms,civil applications,coastal zone monitoring,electronic scanning,fixed antenna,image focussing,military applications,oceanographic equipment,oceanographic regions,processing algorithms,radar imaging,remote sensing by radar,risk management,sea pollution,spaceborne radar,synthetic aperture radar,water pollution measurement

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