COSMO-SkyMed SAR processing parallel implementation
Giancaspro, A. ; Candela, L. ; Lopinto, E. ; ...Milillo, G.
Jan - 2002
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2002.1027118
ISBN : 0-7803-7536-X

Event Title :
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type: Conference Proceedings

COSMO-SkyMed constellation will acquire data from its four SAR satellites in several image modes, and will generate focused data products. As images will be acquired at fine geometric resolution and will cover medium sized swath, the SAR processing involved will result well suited to parallel programming implementation.

keywords : COSMO-SkyMed,Computer architecture,Concurrent computing,Focusing,Image resolution,Image sensors,Parallel programming,Production,SAR,Satellites,Skeleton,Software prototyping,Stripmap,fine geometric resolution,geophysical measurement technique,geophysical signal processing,geophysical techniques,image modes,image processing,land surface,multi-satellite mission,parallel programming,processing parallel implementation,radar imaging,radar remote sensing,range Doppler SAR focusing algorithm,remote sensing by radar,satellite array,spaceborne radar,synthetic aperture radar,terrain mapping