SAR images co-registration parallel implementation
Giancaspro, A. ; Candela, L. ; Lopint, E. ; ...Milillo, G.
Jan - 2002
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2002.1026108
ISBN : 0-7803-7536-X

Event Title :
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type: Conference Proceedings

Image co-registration is basilar for interferometry SAR remote sensing applications. This paper describes a parallel implementation based on the Farm skeleton using the MPI library for the co-registration module of SAR Toolbox software.

keywords : Application software,Earth,Farm skeleton,InSAR,Interferometry,Interpolation,Libraries,MPI library,Master-slave,Message passing,Pixel,Remote sensing,SAR Toolbox software,SAR image,Skeleton,geophysical measurement technique,geophysical signal processing,geophysical techniques,image co registration,image coregistration,image registration,interferometric SAR,land surface,parallel implementation,parallel programming,radar imaging,radar remote sensing,remote sensing by radar,synthetic aperture radar,terrain mapping