Automated culture system experiments hardware: developing test results and design solutions.
Freddi, M ; Covini, M ; Tenconi, C ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jul - 2002
ISSN : 1077-9248 ;
journal : Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology

Issue : 1
type: Article Journal

The experiment proposed by Prof. Ricci University of Milan is funded by ASI with Laben as industrial Prime Contractor. ACS-EH (Automated Culture System-Experiment Hardware) will support the multigenerational experiment on weightlessness with rotifers and nematodes within four Experiment Containers (ECs) located inside the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS) facility..Actually the Phase B is in progress and a concept design solution has been defined. The most challenging aspects for the design of such hardware are, from biological point of view the provision of an environment which permits animals survival and to maintain desiccated generations separated and from the technical point of view, the miniaturisation of the hardware itself due to the reduce EC provided volume (160mmx60mmx60mm). The miniaturisation will allow a better use of the available EMCS Facility resources (e.g. volume. power etc.) and to fulfil the experiment requirements. ACS-EH, will be ready to fly in the year 2005 on boar the ISS.

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