IPSE: Italian package for scientific experiments
Espinasse, S. ; Flamini, Enrico ; Angrilli, F. ; et al.
Jan - 2002
DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2002.1036855

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type: Conference Proceedings

IPSE is a scientific autonomous micro-laboratory for Mars soil and environment analysis. It is designed to provide the capability to serve, handle and manage scientific miniaturised instruments accommodated inside its envelope. These instruments will carry out measurements on soil samples, atmosphere, radiation environment and dust flux. IPSE is an example of a small and flexible laboratory, that can be integrated on different landers and rovers. It contains: scientific instruments; a small robotic arm to provide samples to the instruments; power conditioning; electronics for system and thermal control, communications and instrument data handling.

keywords : Enrico: ASI authors,Espinasse,S. Flamini