An XML architecture for high-performance web-based analysis of remote-sensing archives
Aloisio, G. ; Milillo, G. ; Williams, R.D.
Jan - 1999

journal : Future Generation Computer Systems

Issue : 1
type: Article Journal

We introduce XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a simple, flexible, and powerful way for computers to exchange metadata and control information, not only with humans, but also with each other. We describe an existing system that delivers customized remote-sensing data products to web-connected clients, and what more is required to support supervised, on-demand processing of the data. We discuss how such an architecture can be used for these purposes, and how it may interoperate with existing parallel SAR processing architectures, or with a GIS application server. Applications of such a system include agriculture, ecology, geophysics, glaciology and hazard-monitoring.

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