Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas: Fields
Orsini, S. ; Cerulli-Irelli, P. ; Maggi, M. ; ...Sabbagh, J. ; ...Flamini, E. ; et al.
Jan - 1998
ISSN : 0065-8448 ; ISBN : 0875900860
Book Title : Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas: Fields, Geophysical Monograph
pages: 269--274; Volume: 103; series: Geophysical Monograph Series
type: Book

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series.Space plasma measurements are conducted in a hostile, remote environment. The art and science of measurements gathered in space depend therefore on unique instrument designs and fabrication methods to an extent perhaps unprecedented in experimental physics. In-situ measurement of space plasmas constitutes an expensive, unforgiving, and highly visible form of scientific endeavor.

keywords : Cosmic magnetic fields—measurement,Electric fields—Measurement,Space plasmas—measurement