Current-Voltage characteristics of the tethered satellite system: Measurements and uncertainties due to temperature variations
C.L.C hang1, A .T. Drobo1t, K . Papadopoul1o Ks., H .W right2, N.H. Stone3 ; C. Gurgiolo4 , J .D.W inningha5m a, n dC . Bonifaz6i ; Drobot, A T ; et al. ; - ASI Sponsor
Jan - 1998


Issue : 5
type: Article Journal

One of the primary goals of the Tethered Satellite System reflight mission (TSS-1R) is to determine the current- voltage characteristics of the TSS satellite orbiting in the ionosphere. While the collected current was measured with high reliability, the satellite potential from a circuit model or from interpretation could only be deduced of measurement directly data below satellite potentials of 500 Volts. The greatest conclusion uncertainty in the circuit model is the value of tether resistance R. We have provided quantitative calibration of the resistance based on instrument data for Vs < 100 Volts. We have reached the important correlated to temperature changes associated the I-V that the R value in the TSS circuit model is with the diurnal cycles along the TSS flight path. We have also applied the calibrated R value in the TSS circuit equation to construct curves that extend to high voltages. The resulting I-V characteristics are presented with error bounds on satellite potential to indicate the uncertainty associated regimes, a fundamental collection physics in the ionospheric satellite. resistance determination. The I-V relation exhibits different scalings transition plasma surrounding

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