New methods for microbial contamination monitoring: An experiment on board the mir orbital station
Guarnieri, V. ; Gaia, E. ; Battocchio, L. ; et al.
Jan - 1997
ISSN : 00945765 ;
journal : Acta astronautica

Issue : 2-8
type: Article Journal

Abstract Experiment T2, carried out during the Euromir95 mission, was an important step toward innovative methods for spacecraft microbial contamination monitoring. A new standard sampling technique permitted samples to be analysed by different means. On board, two analysis methods were tested in parallel: Bioluminescence and Miniculture 1. Guarnieri, V. et al. New methods for microbial contamination monitoring: An experiment on board the mir orbital station. Acta Astronautica 40, 195–201 (1997). . In turn, downloaded samples are being analysed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a powerful and promising method for the rapid detection, identification and quantification of pathogens and biofouling agents in closed manned habitats.

keywords : bioluminescence,hygiene,life support systems,microbial contamination,microbialcontamination,miniculture,pcr