Mini-pressurized logistics module for space station freedom *
Brondolo, Dino ; Rutter, Joseph G. ; - ASI Sponsor
Oct - 1994
ISSN : 00945765 ;
journal : Acta Astronautica
type: Article Journal

The Italian Government, acting through Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, has selected Alenia Spazio to develop a small logistics module, the Mini-Pressurized Logistics Module (MPLM). This module is to be the only carrier for pressurized cargo during the Man Tended Phase of Space Station Freedom. Once permanent manned capability is achieved, the MPLM will continue to be used to supplement the capability of the other Freedom logistics elements. This paper describes the development of MPLM requirements. Design implementation is discussed including the structure, the subsystems, the major trade studies and the operational strategy for use of the module. Unique aspects of the program such as the management structure, hardware commonality, accommodation of national priorities, verification and integration and support of the hardware are presented. Due to late authorization of this program, schedule has become a prime program driver. Methods to accommodate and meet these requirements are discussed. Boeing, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Work Package One contractor, has been designated by Marshall Space Flight Center to serve as NASAs representative in providing requirements for MPLM design and oversight of its development and utilization. This unique management arrangement has been implemented and is working effectively.

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