A framework to deal with simultaneous actions for a plan-generating system
Giancaspro, A. ; Losito, S. ; et al.
Jan - 1991
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.1991.174544
ISBN : 0-7803-0067-X

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type: Conference Proceedings

Describes an environment to interface final users with a plan-generating system for application domains where cooperative agents are involved. The approach to support the acquisition phase of action and state descriptions is described. A theory to construct meaningful simultaneous actions is outlined by defining a characterization of legal action and state descriptions

keywords : Arm,Calculus,Databases,Engines,Law,Legal factors,Orbital robotics,Robotics and automation,System testing,User interfaces,acquisition phase,action descriptions,application domains,cooperative agents,plan-generating system,planning (artificial intelligence),simultaneous actions,state descriptions,user interfaces